RIGF 2023: The dialogue continues between all interested side


The 13th Russian Internet Governance Forum is concluded

The second day of RIGF 2023 continued with the session “New digital technologies in medicine as a tool for healthcare development.” The session was moderated by Rimma Chichakyan, Deputy Director for Effective Regulation at Digital Economy. Taking part in the session were Boris Zingerman (INVITRO, National Base of Medical Knowledge Association), Philip Gorkavenko (Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care at the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia), Natalia Ushakova (Sotstech), Karen Kazaryan (Digital Economy), Yulia Seryapina (Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care at the Russian Ministry of Healthcare), and Marat Takhaviyev (Big Data Association). The speakers discussed approaches to reforming current regulation in the field of healthcare based on the best international practices for the development of artificial intelligence technologies.

Yulia Seryapina spoke about ways to achieve trust in artificial intelligence. She noted that if we regarded AI as a medical technology, then we should apply the same approaches as to healthcare technologies. And if there already are evaluation standards for pharmaceutical drugs, there are no such standards or regulations for artificial intelligence. In matters of trust in artificial intelligence, it is important not to forget to double check to be sure: we should carefully check artificial intelligence technologies that we plan to use in the field of healthcare.

Phillip Gorkavenko talked about how the validation of medical data should take place. He outlined the general model of the data life cycle: data provider - data aggregator - data consumer. Validation should be provided at every stage of this model. He also noted that the focus should always be on the patient so that the benefits of data collection do not harm the patient.

The business program of the forum concluded with the session “Digital transformation: The voice of youth.” It was moderated by Anna Monakhova (SPLAT Global) and Ilona Stadnik (St. Petersburg State University). The speakers were Andrei Aleinikov (Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ), Arevik Martirosyan (Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of Russia), Daria Stepovaya (School of International Information Security of the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of Russia), Dmitry Gulyayev (Commissioner for Youth Digital Rights), Artemy Tretyakov (graduate of the Russian Summer Internet Governance School), Alim Khapov (Center for Global IT Cooperation), Marco Paloschi (IGF North Macedonia/Youth Coalition on Internet Governance), Andrei Klokov (Association of Documentary Telecommunication) and Mikhail Vavilin (RIGF Special Youth Course student).

The session was on the results of the IGF 2022 youth track, the results of the RIGF special course for youth, youth programs in the world (ITU, NetMission, IGF, ICANN), as well as information on the Coordination Center's youth projects.

“Young people have always been a driver of digitalization. However, there is still a possible lack of information about current opportunities for taking part in the digital transformation processes in the global internet governance ecosystem among the youth. Projects that present such opportunities must be open and accessible so that the young generation becomes the positive force that it can be,” Ilona Stadnik, a session moderator, noted.

In addition, the date of the third Youth Internet Governance Forum was announced: it will take place on May 12 to coincide with the anniversary of the Cyrillic ccTLD .РФ.

Next, Andrei Ignatyev from the Center for Global IT Cooperation presented the second Internet Today and Tomorrow collection of articles, which included the most relevant works from recognized experts in the field.

When reviewing RIGF 2023, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ Andrey Vorobyev, noted that the forum continues to serve as a platform for dialogue between the various stakeholders.

“Following the first day of RIGF, an idea arose to discuss the contribution of Russian participants to the Global Digital Compact at the Expert Council of the relevant State Duma committee. Moreover, interesting initiatives were proposed today by youth representatives who plan to take an active part in the 18th Global Internet Governance Forum. Finally, many listeners, who are specialists in various sectors of the digital economy, wanted to draft expert articles for the collection that will be prepared for the next RIGF,” he added.

“The Russian expert community is a full participant in the global internet governance ecosystem. We believe that the discussions at the last Russian Internet Governance Forum and the ideas that emerged as a result of these discussions will get lively feedback from national internet communities around the world. This critical mass of valuable ideas should not be lost, it should be conveyed to experts in other countries, and the UN Internet Governance Forum, which will be held this fall in Kyoto, is best suited for this,” concluded Vadim Glushchenko, director of the Center for Global IT Cooperation.

We thank everyone who took part in preparing and holding RIGF. Presentations and video recordings of the forum sections will soon be published on rigf.ru.

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