Artemiy Tretyakov — School of International Information Security DA MFA

Intern, School of International Information Security, Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Received Bachelor’s Degree in political science from Russian State University for the Humanities and Master’s Degree in history and theory of international relations from the Department of History at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Currently a postgraduate student at Lomonosov Moscow State University in the same field.

Artemy’s research interests in political science include political forecasting and Kondratiev waves. His research interests in history and theory of international relations include US foreign policy in the 21st century, international information security, and internet governance policies.
He has published research papers on these subjects.

Completed additional training in Internet Governance Policies at the Global and Local Levels at St. Petersburg State University.

Artemy is currently an intern at the School of International Information Security, Institute of International Contemporary Studies, Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

To program